Staying Active
At Ivybank, we firmly believe that the body and the mind are very closely linked and that keeping the body active, even for those who are perhaps less mobile than they once were, can also do wonders for their state of mind. As such, we have an Activities Co-Ordinator on the team, whose role it is to run a programme of pastimes to stimulate both body and mind.
We like to keep things varied, so there's something for everyone to enjoy:
- Live music and dancing
- Bingo, quizzes, card games, arts & crafts
- Local day trips
- Reminiscence Therapy
- Light aerobic exercise to music
- Visits from local religious figures
We are also able to offer the following additional services:
- Physiotherapy, Occupation and Speech Therapy
- Podiatry
- Aromatherapy & Reflexology
- Hairdresser
- Beautician
- Library Services
- Outings/Social Activities